Hi! As the About section shared, my name is Kevin. A little more about me? I'm a Taurus. Italian is my favorite food. I love cruising the seas with my wife. I really enjoy web development. And now I have decided to blog.
But enough of that... Let's talk code! Today's topic is the engine powering this blog: Bludit.
After quite a bit of trying software and developing my own rudimentary blog... and failing, I decided to give Bludit a shot. One of the most interesting things about this platform is that, unlike Wordpress, there is no database. All posts are stored in `JSON` encoded, so the structure is all flat-files. This makes backups simpler and moving from one platform to another much easier.
The Admin UI is reminiscent of Wordpress, but much lighter and easier to navigate. Below is the Bludit Dashboard. Setup is very basic and the software comes with a legion of extra plugins you can selectively use.
Here's a view of the folder structure targeting my 'About' page. All of the text is parsed via `JSON` and stored as `index.txt` files. Images are references and store elsewhere in the structure.
I look forward to reviewing this more and more as I begin to post more Magento articles.
~ K.E.G.